Please que the drums… The largest HackAtom in Cosmos’ history is nearly here. Developers around the globe will have the opportunity to compete for a share of $1,000,000 worth of ATOM prizes. Register now to help take the decentralized internet to the next level. Registrations open on October 27, and the official opening ceremony will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on November 11.
HackAtom VI is an online competition that lasts for a month and is supported by live events in major cities around the world, such as Lisbon and Berlin. The competition this year is divided into six themes: Ethereum on Cosmos (Starport), Interoperability and DeFi, End-User Apps, Gaming, Interoperability, DeFi and Interoperability.
HackAtom VI key dates
- Registrations open: Wednesday Oct 27th @ 19:00 CET
Challenge Topics
HackAtom VI has a total prize pool worth $1 million in ATOM. This hackathon is the largest in Cosmos’ history. This prize pool is not only a testament of how far we have grown in recent years, but also highlights the importance of launching IBC (the Cosmos standard for Blockchain interoperability) and fulfilling the mission we laid out in our whitepaper.
The prize pool and hackathon are divided into six categories this year. A special Community Choice Award is given to the project that has the most hearts on Devpost. Let’s look at the challenges in greater detail.
1. Ethereum on Cosmos: Constellation prize
Ethereum projects at Cosmos SDK
2. Starport: Starport Prize
Blockchains created using Starport
3. Interoperability: Interstellar Prize
IBC Use cases
4. End-User Apps: Solar Prize
Wallet/End User Apps UX — Improve the User Experience
5. DeFi: Galaxy Prize
Cosmos SDK Loan or Insurance Module
6. Gaming: Starship Prize
Gaming apps on Cosmos SDK
** More details will be shared soon about the challenges.
HackAtom VI Side Events
In addition to the month-long competition online, we are hosting in-person side events in two major European cities, Lisbon and Berlin. The Berlin event is a half-day pre-hackathon workshop on October 29. The Lisbon event is the official opening ceremony of HackAtom VI on November 11. We’ll have lots more details coming soon, so be sure to watch this space.
HackAtom VI is made possible thanks to the backing of the following sponsors, who will each play an active role in building the challenges and supporting the developers:
? Platinum — Starport
⭐️ Gold — Pylons
⚪️ Silver — Archway, Kava, BitSong, GrantFish & Juno, Sentinel, Sifchain, LikeCoin, Regen Network, Akash
? Other sponsors: Umee, Injective, VITWIT, IRISnet
More sponsors will be added soon, so be sure to watch this space and Hackatom website for all upcoming details! We’re looking forward to making this the most successful hackathon to date. So sign up to get updates on details of the challenges, our upcoming events, or in-person or online workshops. May the best Cosmonaut win!