The Who, Where, What, and How of Cosmos Atom

5 min read

Its Cosmos technology has become the if perhaps the most effective solution for blockchains that are new. The reliability of the chains that utilize it is a testament to its strength and durability. It has created a brand new wonder, that of the Internet of Blockchains, an emerging topology of interoperable and sovereign communities that are at the forefront of the Community Computer revolution. Take this technology, being produced by the many communities that it serves as known as the Body of Cosmos.

However, Cosmos isn’t just a technology. Since its inception, Jae and I conceived of Cosmos as a philosophical approach to blockchain design.

The core of Cosmos are the concepts of interoperability and sovereignty which is the right of communities to have sovereignty over their individual infrastructures and applications, and the right of sovereign communities to be able peacefully to cooperate with each other. This philosophy is rooted in our humbleness before the incredibly rich diversity of cultures of humans. It’s a conscious recognition of the limitations of our discretionary rationality for organizing sustainability on the planet, and yet an appeal to utilize technology as easily and effectively as we can to enable sustainable self-governing. Cosmos provides a meta-political economy that acknowledges the need to represent various interests at various dimensions and money-related strategies that will help bridge the gap from the local to global, and back. This philosophy is referred to as Cosmos. The mind of Cosmos.

The philosophy behind Cosmos and its Mind is a guiding principle throughout the project, starting with its modular structure of software to the independence of every blockchain to its emergence of a network of their interconnections and finally, the design of the core teams that develop the software themselves. Cosmos is distinct from other L1 blockchains because it has a variety of businesses and organizations that contribute to the software, such as Interchain GmbH, Informal Systems, Strangelove, Iqlusion, Regen Network, Osmosis Labs, Confio, Orijtech, Hypha, Vulcanize, Iris and many more in many contributors. There isn’t a single primary team. The premise of Cosmos has expanded far over Jae and me, its initial founders, both in terms of technology as well as organizationally. Perhaps, among other L1s it is the only one. Bitcoin has the same characteristics. This creates Cosmos an extremely unique and exciting platform to develop Blockchains’ future, as we take on our ideals of interoperability and sovereignty, at every level, as we continue our quest to change the world of decentralized organizations.

But, at the same time, it can pose problems. The absence of a centralized company governed by a single persona makes decision-making more complicated. However, it is also more representative and secure. The increase in the number of blockchains and companies that have a stake in the development of Tendermint and the Cosmos-SDK IBC as well as the Cosmos Hub implies that there are more stakeholder interests to coordinate and challenges for the organization to solve. But, this doesn’t mean it’s an issue as it’s a sign of the longevity and worth of the project. The grand social experiment is pushing innovation across the Cosmos stack while adhering to a market strategy that emphasizes modularity, ease of use, and generality as the key to an efficient, secure, and long-lasting blockchain. The current focus of the team on the entire stack is on a major infrastructure overhaul to facilitate another surge of innovation in the technology’s core.

In Tendermint the forthcoming ABCI++ will allow chains to explore the latest technologies, from threshold encrypted mempools, zero-knowledge proofs that execute, and many more. In the Cosmos-SDK, coming upgrades in the system for modules and connections between applications along with the storage abstractions together permit more freedom of testing in release and development cycles which open up all sorts of new opportunities to collaborate better on Cosmos developing software. The Cosmos-SDK is also getting an important upgrade to the multisig and governance system that will allow for more fine-grained and effective delegation of capabilities in Cosmos chains. IBC has proven its worth in the transfer of tokens across Tendermint chains and is now expanding to include more diverse interchain application algorithms like Interchain Accounts and more diverse consensus engines. Also, the Cosmos Hub, having sacrificed itself for a long time in serving the entire Cosmos and the wider world, is now, through Interchain Security, finally unlocking its own development ecosystem as well as its ability to be innovative by providing interchain services and assistance of interchain organizations. The beginning of a new era in The Cosmos Hub is upon us.

The growth of Cosmos as well as its diverse organizational structure is a call for more thoughtful and effective development of our collective self-government. One organization that has taken the initiative to serve as stewards in the complex environment is the not-for-profit Interchain Foundation. The ICF is dedicated to working with the community in a more direct way by providing greater transparency and accountability when it comes to funding, as well as serving the needs of its development teams which are the core of their efforts to create sustainable self-government.

The Cosmos Hub, too, plays an important role play in this. So far, governance of the hub is restricted, with the focus being on minor community spending plans and changes to parameters. Of course, there have bigger, more controversial signals about the direction of the product and direction, such as the latest Prop69 concerning CosmWasm that was made on the Hub. Prop69 was a powerful illustration of how the community is concerned for the direction of Cosmos Hub. Cosmos Hub. However, it also provided an opportunity to cultivate a climate of cooperation, trust professionalism, respect, and trust and a climate that allows us to freely share our views, thoroughly examine the technical merits of our ideas and weigh the needs of the marketplace today against the demands of tomorrow’s market and be excellent with one another. This is the kind of environment Cosmos strives to achieve.

The Cosmos Hub has a unique purpose to fulfill. Being a conservative, solitary chain with an eye toward the future to serve as an anchor in the midst of a turbulent ocean, it serves as an essential hub for the politics of the wider Cosmos ecosystem. However, the Hub is required to play its part and increase its capacity to manage and finance the development of public goods, which are vital for the entire ecosystem. Already, we can see the ecosystem work towards this goal, since each team of sovereigns develops expertise and contributes to the improvement of the technology, and helping initiatives such as the Builders Foundation are getting started. The potential to speed up our progress through the tightest collaboration is immense:

At one point, several of us were as a single entity: All in Bits, which operated as Tendermint Inc., and today Ignite Inc, or possibly NewTendermint Inc. The history and current of All in Bits are confusing. Due to the ferocious differences on how an organization should be run, the majority of the development team departed the company in the year 2019/2020. But, almost everyone who has left All In Bits is still working tirelessly to work on Cosmos currently, as well as leading companies and teams in a new group of organizations that are working towards the potential of Cosmos. It’s incredibly radiant.

The core group of Cosmos development organizations operates in the midst of decentralized internet-based services. They are exploring innovative ways of organizing themselves to work together to finance and create public products, and to expand the boundaries of what is feasible, both in terms of organizational and technical. It is this collaborative effort of sovereign institutions including groups of development leaders and individual community members to all who are committed to the growth of the Interchain that we could be proud to refer to as”the Soul of Cosmos. This isn’t something we fight for, but rather something that we nurture, and then grow as a community.

The group of companies has successfully launched the Cosmos whitepaper, which was released with a Stargate update in 2021. It was a huge undertaking, which was the result of an enormous multi-entity partnership throughout Cosmos. Cosmos technological stack in order to repay old technical debts and establish an interoperability standard that will define the future Internet of Blockchains. With the help of this group of organizations and individuals, Blockchains are now part of the Internet of Blockchains that is emerging right in front of us. This is only the beginning.

The Cosmos whitepaper is out. Sovereign Cosmos chains are seeing huge success, and the use of IBC is growing exponentially. The new age of interoperability requires a fresh perspective of what Blockchain technology will take us. Internet of Blockchain goes from here – Cosmos 2.0 or Cosmos 2.0, as you may call it. An idea that shows how we as a decentralized community of blockchains, companies, or communities as well as individuals, work together to create an eco-friendly future for the planet as well as its inhabitants. This is what we’re working on. Keep an eye on us.

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Via this site  The Who, Where, What, and How of Cosmos Atom